Monday, February 16, 2009


The IGIZMORE blog is officially closed : ( . We thank our readers for their support . It has been an interesting experience running this blog with all its ups and downs. Alas! the PSP doesn't interest me any more and sadly the psp community is diminishing day by day .Any way, long live PSP !!! and Game on readers !!! (+| PSP|%) . Thanks for being part of the igizmore community...I haven't left

Igizmore last post + Gta winner info

UPDATE: Dominic the winner of the igizmore contest has received his $75 PS3 sixaxis controller prize , which he chose as his gift. For some reason he is hesitant to send in his picture , so here's the shipping info for proof that I am not making this up :)It has been fun writing for this site . Thanks to all my readers for their support . Keep visiting the igizmore chat and please don't hesitate

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How to download youtube videos

This is the simplest way to download youtube videos , no software or hacks required . . .Just go to one of the following websites , enter the youtube url / link you want to download and open it with a media player like VLC.-> This is one of my favorite sites to download youtube videos. I recommend downloading the High quality mp4 format available on this site .->

Thursday, January 1, 2009

IGIZMORE GTA conest winner .

READ UPDATE HEREFirst of , Wishing you guys a very happy New year . Hope you '09 is filled with prosperity and tons of video games .The results are out , the winner of the igizmore gta contest is ...*drum roll* Dominic Masters from Queensland Australia . Dominic has chose the Ps3 sixaxis controller has his prize from . Pic will be put up as soon as he gets it .The voting poll was